This week Tina encourages us to share photos from other challenges in which we participate or places in which we post. I’m typically not one for taking part in challenges except of course for LAPC. For the last year and a half, I have waited, with joy and anticipation, until 9 a.m. PST for the latest LAPC challenge to be posted. Then I would formulate my response and go through my archives. This was an enjoyable experience as I revisited former outings, bringing back fond memories.

And there I stay. You can call me one-challenge-Anne! But I do post in a few other places. First is the juried competition club Sierra Camera Club. I have gain so much knowledge by having my photos judged and critiqued. I’ve also found critiques of fellow members’ photos invaluable. Here are some of my past entries. With each entry, I choose a picture that will give me feedback in different areas.

The Sierra Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America which I also joined. I quickly joined one of their Projected Image Division groups (PID). Each month we upload two images to be critiqued by the group members. I used the knowledge gained in the Sierra Camera Club to good use while looking at and critiquing the other group members’ photos. It’s all a wonderful learning experience. Here are some of my entries.

And finally, my own group of seniors, Camera Totin’ Days. We go out once a week, take it easy, enjoy shooting our photographs and then eat lunch. Here are some images from our outings.

Now that John, Sophia and I are joining the Lens-Artists team, I’m looking forward to some new experiences.  Patti will be leading our next challenge so be sure to visit her Pilotfish blog or to watch for her post in the Lens-Artists Reader section.

47 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #181: Double Dipping

  1. What interesting opportunities you’ve shared with us this week Anne! Your images are wonderful and the forums in which you participate sound terrific. I especially love your set of friends with whom you share your weekly outings. IMHO, there’s nothing better than sharing a love of photography with good friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi – you sound so content to do the one challenge – and I had to lighten up a few years ago because I wanted to do more but just could not – and so when I hear someone has one challenge that meets their needs, it allows me to exhale and enjoy the few I do join in with.

    and your photos here are Nic e- I like the cat on the stairs – feels like a story prompt

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Prior! I think if I wasn’t in critiquing groups I would do more challenges. Since I don’t want to take classes because I don’t want homework, this is the way I learn. What is that cat guarding and what has he seen???


      1. Your photo groups sound so ideal!!
        and the cat? well my version is he is passing time on a nice day (maybe waiting for someone to grab his photo because cool cats do this thing) and as he looks out from the stair – he ponders if she curl up and lie down there or is it time to go somewhere more secluded – hahah


  3. I do several challenges and yet at the moment I’m puzzling how, if at all, to shape a response this week, because I very rarely overlap them! I love the way that you’ve widened the scope of the challenge and how that’s prompted you to share some wonderful photos! My favourite by some way is the black and white lotus but there are many others I like too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fantastic! One-challenge Annie. lol. I think sometimes that is me too. More like one a week, but I too anticipate LAPC and have since they began. Welcome! I look forward to your challenges with them from now on. donna

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  5. Excellent photography – again, Anne! I envy you your many opportunities with friends and societies. I would love to have that here – but there is nothing like it. I guess you have to live in a bigger city or something. Wonderful to see you with us at LAPC.

    Liked by 1 person

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