Every day we connect with people and places; some stronger than others. I’m the type of person who needs those connections. Right now, my old dog is resting near me as I type. Just having that connection comforts him. And, yes, his presence comforts me.

This week, Donna wants us to explore what connections mean to/for us. Since I retired 10 years ago, photography has connected me to wonderful people, some who have become great friends. I’ve also become a member of PSA and one of its chapters and clubs.

I’ve learned so much through workshops from the Gold Rush Chapter and the Sierra Camera Club. This image was featured in the PSA June Showcase.

Some other connections.

Fences are individual boards made of wood, steel, plastic etc. that are all connected together. Once connected, they separate one side from another, keeping people or animals either in or out.

Bridges connect one side to another. They come in all sizes, go over rivers, streams or even land.

Doors connect us to what’s inside or back out.

A park bench is a great connector. It helps connect people to their thoughts or nature, friends to each other or sweethearts to further discovery.

Holidays, fairs and celebrations connect us to fun, enjoyment and each other.

We don’t have to look far for connections. Just say hello and smile to a stranger–you’ve connected. Thank someone for helping you or ask for help–you’ve connected. And my dog, Gem, would suggest that you pet your animal so you can connect with unconditional love and loyalty.

Thank you Donna for reminding us that connections are important to all of us. Look at how we have all become virtual friends through LAPC. Remember to link to her challenge when you post your response and please use the Lens-Artist tag.

John certainly presented us with a great learning experience last week. I enjoyed seeing all the various responses from our community. Ritva is presenting our next challenge, so be sure to look for her post. Until then stay away from monster colds, make new connections and stay safe.

41 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #303: Connections

  1. That close-up image is stunning! The feature was so deserved. Your connection photos are all beautiful. I loved how you connected the photos and your stories. The fence, in particular, struck me as a wonderful part of the post. It was a great post from start to finish, Anne.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. An interesting series of images depicting your connections, but the first image is absolutely gorgeous.

    The close up. The colour……and the feather texture so beautifully captured.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your thoughts, Anne. I always love how, when we go for walks here, people you come across, in the middle of nowhere greet you with a smile. Yes, we are connecting even if briefly. Your photos are wonderful and I’m glad you’re one the mend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a great post Anne. You tapped into some creative choices it hadn’t thought of. Doors for one can be seen as a welcome. The bench was a great idea and a heartwarming photo too. And yes, always say hello to a stranger. This all felt so reflective of you. I loved it. And glad you are feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. One good thing about weekly photo challenges, us that you’re rarely late. Wow, your pics are stunning. Your photography clubs sound like a wonderful place for connecting. My closest photo connections are on Facebook these days. No clubs around here.

    In any case, I can picture you petting your sweet dog 100 times a day (like I do with mine). And I respect and admire your connections to the Sacramento metro area through your gorgeous images, an area I spent 40 years enjoying.

    Youre always welcome to hop into my Sunday Stills posts when you are inspired to do so. My themes are posted in advance. This Sunday is all about sunset/sunrise. Feel free to double dip 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Terri! I will try to post on your Sunday Stills. I seem to be a one challenge person, but I’ll see what I can do about my energy level. If there are no camera clubs in your area, start one! I bet there are other photographers needing the same connection. We’re facing triple digits today–do you really miss this area? Right now my dog is angry with me. I didn’t walk him this morning. He doesn’t do well above 70 degrees and with his bad heart, I didn’t want to try it. Take care and I’ll try to post on Sunday Stills.

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  6. Yes, moving on is part of life. I’ve done it many times. I don’t miss L. A. but I miss the friends we had and still have there. I just posted one picture for Sunday Stills just to get started. Not sure I did it right. It’s linked to you.


  7. Beautiful scenes, Anne 🙂. The lovely pictures of the bird and the lights – I remember from another post of yours. The couple on the bench and the bridge – super!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful and very creative post Anne. I can truly see you sitting with your beloved pup experiencing a perfect connection. Lots of creativity in this one in your choices and explanations. Loved them all, if forced would choose the park bench as a favorite

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Anne, I remember seeing this wonderful picture on the PSA website and did not realize it was yours, Congratulations on being selected to participate in the PSA Showcase!! I agree, photography is a great way to become connected to many people in all walks of life. This is a great post, love seeing all of your picturs!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. A lovely post, Anne – as usual! Great photography and great to follow your thoughts. A wonderful idea with the bench. And that winner of a bird – gorgeous.


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