You know when you stop and put your mind to it, nothing is impossible. When I first saw Ann-Christine’s challenge this morning, I thought, “I don’t have any delicate images!” So I did my usual of choosing a year, 2019, and began to go through the pictures. Here’s what I found.

A beautiful glass ball in a garden.

Museums are great for finding delicate items and the Haggin Museum in Stockton is no exception. Look at the intricate, delicate work on this clock and the tedious, delicate weaving of this woman in this picture.

We photographers like our insects for their delicate wings and beauty. Yes, even bees!

I can’t forget trees. Their trunks may be sturdy and large, but their branches are delicate, beautiful and graceful.

Looking very much like tree branches, spider webs are delicate strands of silk created to catch a spider’s prey.

So that’s it for delicate, but here comes the twist. You know there’s typically a twist when I do a challenge. When I was looking through 2019, I found three images that truly impressed me as sweet and then maybe delicate in interpretation.

Love, no matter what species is undeniable. Cuteness popping out of blades of grass is sweet. And a small child walking among giant redwoods–well she has to be delicate!

I hope you didn’t mind my detour. When you post your response, please remember to link to Ann-Christine’s post and use the Lens-Artists tag. I was amazed at all the hope that came last week responding to Patti’s challenge on Hopeful. I think we made our LAPC world a little smaller and kind. Next week Sofia will be challenging us with Floral. You’ll notice I didn’t use any flowers in this post. I’m saving them! Look for her post.

40 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #300: Delicate

  1. LOL, I loved your detour Anne! You found some wonderful examples for the week – that little critter peeking out of the grasses is definitely a heart-stealer and your glass ball is gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Despite your uncertainty at the start you found some great examples of delicate images! But I especially enjoyed your twist on the theme at the end – the tiny girl among the giant trees definitely does look delicate!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always love your nature photos, you have such a passionate eye for the little details, your macros are excellent. I also loved the glass ornament, beautiful thing, I bet it captures the light amazingly.

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  4. Anne, you started on a high note with that gorgeous glass ball. Then you went deep into some artwork, bees, butterflies, spider webs, etc. The tree photo is great and truly shows how delicate those branches are. From top to bottom, you showed us beautiful examples of what delicate means to you.

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  5. A great gallery of delicates, Anne! The glass ball is a stunner, and I loved your twist photos! The little girl in the grand forest is a treat, but I believe the lovely cat stole the show!

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  6. Delicate and beautiful, Anne! Excellent selections. The first one is stunning. I love the spider webs. That small child walking among giant redwoods… precious.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love that image of a tree. The composition is what appeals to me most. The delicate glass ball, though, is my favorite. It reminds me of a stained glass window as it might be seen through a lensball.

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