I can’t carry a tune. I can’t find the beat. But I love music!

Music fills my heart and soul with joy, love and sometimes sadness. I don’t care, I’ll sing along with my favorites no matter how bad I sound. Most of my favorites catch me because of their lyrics. They have to have meaning to me, and it helps if the instrumental portion is as beautiful as the lyrics.

However, Egidio challenged us to see the image and relate to the music it brings forth. For me, it came backwards. I feel the music and see the image. Kind of a twist, but that’s not unusual for me. Here are six of my favorites.

Here Comes the Sun. When I’m depressed, sad or just feeling down, I play this song. Written by George Harrison and made popular by the Beatles, I like Richie Havens version the best. His instrumental gets me dancing. By the way, I can’t dance either, but this song gets me moving and feeling the sun around me. Soon I’m out of my funk.

First light. Yosemite National Park.

Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran. If you’ve buried your Mom, this song can’t help but bring back sweet memories. I think of my mom often, but especially when I listen to this song.

Tulips, Ananda Village, Nevada City

Piano Man by Billy Joel. I love this song for it’s message and instrumental. Joel’s lyrics take me out of my reality and into a bar filled with smoke and lonely people. Plus I enjoy listening to a piano, and this tune is exceptional.

Dave Bennett at the Sacramento Music Festival

Sound of Silence by Paul Simon. I’m not the first to pick this song as a favorite. I’ve been reading and listening to your posts and three of you have also picked this. Written by Simon and performed by Simon and Garfunkel, this song reaches my soul and I want to scream out we must do something. That something depends on what is happening in the world.

Lassen National Park

Forever Young by Rod Stewart. This song fills my heart, remembering when my children were infants and the love and light they brought into my life. I also remember seeing my grandchildren for the first time. Welcoming a child or grandchild into your life is an amazing experience and one never to be forgotten.

My younger set of grands at the Sacramento Zoo. Now they’re teens, but will be forever young to me.

Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn. This song brought me to Memphis and Beale Street during our cross country trip. Oh my, I just soaked it up. The small cafes with music inviting you in. I did ask one of the gals singing if she knew this song. She did and sang it for me. I don’t know where my mind went, but it was euphoric.

Beale Street, Memphis, TN. Can you guess it’s biker night!

Yes, music is an important part of my life.

Thanks Egidio for taking me on this musical trip. When you post your response, please remember to link to his post and use the Lens-Artists tag. Last week we all enjoyed doing and seeing abstracts as requested by Ritva. Next week Tina will be leading the challenge so be sure to look for her post.

44 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #297: Music to My Eyes

  1. Beautiful photographs Anne and I love how you paired them with the songs – I’ll happily sing along with them too! ❤🎶 xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Anne, what a great opening image and song. Your image brings out the light in the song lyrics. It’s so good that music can be at our side in happy and sad times. I’m grateful you shared all those feelings in your post. The Ed Sheeran is beautifully tender. The beauty of music is that we don’t need to play or know how to sing it. We just need to feel it. You have given us beautiful music to go with your amazing photos. “Forever Young” is masterfully matched in that touching photo of your grand kids. Thanks for the memories and beautiful music.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anne, you nailed this. You had me smiling with Here Comes the Sun, and crying with Forever Young. And Ed Sheeran is a favorite musician for me. Ya…. you sure tugged at my heart strings today. Thank you for both a sigh and a thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I can’t sing a note either, although I can manage a simple beat. So I sympathise 🤗 But like you I like to sing along whenever I can (not when my husband is around however as it is painful to his much more musical brain!) I love several of your song choices, like Sound of Silence and Walking in Memphis, while Yosemite and the tulips are my favourites of your photos 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sarah! I’m glad you liked Walking in Memphis. When we started square dancing, I thought I could do it because it’s just counting steps. Not so, during one tip, one of the male dancers told me I was two beats behind. I told him that this was as good as it gets.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A beautiful post, Anne. Though I can enjoy the music and have a modicum of musical skills, singing isn’t one of them… I’ll just leave it at that.

    Your choices resonated with me, we share some favorites. Your image of Forever Young said so much to me.

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