You can’t live in today’s world without needing a recharge. Our bodies get run down, we become tired and we emotionally need to find peace. Guest host Egidio of Through Brazilian Eyes says he turns to nature to rejuvenate and asked us how we recharge our bodys’ batteries. I love nature and landscape photography, but my immediate thoughts went to the Sacramento Zoo.

Why? The zoo is small, I’m familiar with the animals, there are new animals coming in and animals are conceived and born at the zoo. Yes, I have my favorites like the red pandas, the orangutans, the giraffes, and more. I enjoy walking around and watching the animals. Some are so funny like the giraffes when they make their funny faces.

The zoo offers a respite from the world’s troubles and lets me relax. We usually go out to lunch afterward also. And, if we have time we make a stop at the WPA Rock Garden. There I take out my macro lens for a different kind of fun photography.

Here are some pictures from the Sacramento Zoo.

These animals are fun and offer us great photo opportunities. Why don’t you chill out at a zoo near you!

I think everyone had fun with Donna’s challenge last week. I enjoyed seeing all your interpretations of TIME. When you post the way you recharge, please remember to link to Egidio’s post and use the Lens-Artists tag. Tina is set to present next week’s challenge so be sure to look for her post.

If you would like to participate weekly in our Lens-Artists Challenge, click here for more info. 

49 thoughts on “Lens Artists Challenge #267: Recharge

  1. Ann, what a great post you shared. I really liked reading about the way you recharge. The photos you posted clearly show how rewarding it is to look at those animals. They are amazing photographs. That flamingo photo is priceless. Thanks for your beautiful contributions to the challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Egidio! I guess it was odd that I chose the zoo, but that was what popped into my mind first. Once I got into choosing pictures, I realized that I do recharge and have fun there. Thanks for this challenge.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I was surprised by your post but after reading and especially seeing your photos I understand why. I showed your photos to my son and we were both mesmerised. Red panda is a big favourite, I also love your flamingo. Beautiful, personal portraits, Anne, I can see how much you know these animals.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your post reminds me that I need to visit our small local zoo more often. Your portraits capture them so well.
    You may have seen the photo of the red panda that I captured. They look so cute and cuddly, but oh, what a temper. 🙂


  4. Wonderful expressions, wonderful faces, Anne. I can see why you enjoy the zoo. 🙂 You clearly have a connection with these beautiful creatures. I really love domesticated animals…cats, dogs. They are so comforting and such good company.

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    1. Thanks Patti! I also love my pets. Gem is 13 years and has a heart condition. We take care of him as best we can because he’s family. But I keep telling him to get a job so he can pay for his meds!!


  5. Dear Anne
    we like your portraits of these animals. We can well understand that this zoo is you ‘recharging station’. Thanks for sharing
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  6. What beautiful pictures! So many familiar animals and yet they look extraordinary because of the way they are photographed. I mean even the ducks look so colourful and I don’t think I have see a Wolf’s Guenon or a red river hog. Brilliant post!


  7. When I first ran across your blog, it happened to be one of those days you visited the zoo. Today’s theme, and post, is so reflective of you, Anne. Your respite, a place where you get to know the animals behaviors and personalities, and maybe even staff. The photos from your walks there are always expressive and fun. What a great recharge for all of un in this post.

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  8. I’ve stared at these photos for a few times this week yet I don’t think I’ve left a comment yet, I kept getting distracted haha~ lovely animal close up photos, Anne! They’re all seem so distinctive and full of characters!

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