Lens Artists Challenge #303: Connections

Every day we connect with people and places; some stronger than others. I’m the type of person who needs those connections. Right now, my old dog is resting near me as I type. Just having that connection comforts him. And, yes, his presence comforts me.

This week, Donna wants us to explore what connections mean to/for us. Since I retired 10 years ago, photography has connected me to wonderful people, some who have become great friends. I’ve also become a member of PSA and one of its chapters and clubs.

I’ve learned so much through workshops from the Gold Rush Chapter and the Sierra Camera Club. This image was featured in the PSA June Showcase.

Some other connections.

Fences are individual boards made of wood, steel, plastic etc. that are all connected together. Once connected, they separate one side from another, keeping people or animals either in or out.

Bridges connect one side to another. They come in all sizes, go over rivers, streams or even land.

Doors connect us to what’s inside or back out.

A park bench is a great connector. It helps connect people to their thoughts or nature, friends to each other or sweethearts to further discovery.

Holidays, fairs and celebrations connect us to fun, enjoyment and each other.

We don’t have to look far for connections. Just say hello and smile to a stranger–you’ve connected. Thank someone for helping you or ask for help–you’ve connected. And my dog, Gem, would suggest that you pet your animal so you can connect with unconditional love and loyalty.

Thank you Donna for reminding us that connections are important to all of us. Look at how we have all become virtual friends through LAPC. Remember to link to her challenge when you post your response and please use the Lens-Artist tag.

John certainly presented us with a great learning experience last week. I enjoyed seeing all the various responses from our community. Ritva is presenting our next challenge, so be sure to look for her post. Until then stay away from monster colds, make new connections and stay safe.

Lens Artists Challenge #296: Abstract

I had a lot of fun with this challenge. Thank you Ritva! The fun came when I experimented with Photoshop filters and saw how I could change images. I also realized how I just compose photos for abstracts. Most of the images below are ones I put my lens close in or used a macro lens. So, let’s get started with my show and tell!

First, I have so much fun with intentional camera (lens) movement. Here are two taken at two different carnivals.

Now for some Photoshop filter fun. Can you see the two flowers in the first (left) photo? How about the bridge going over the stream in the center photo? The one on the right is easier–reflection of trees in the water.

Now for the images I took naturally with close ups.

As I said, I enjoyed experimenting and discovering more about how I take photos. Once again, thanks Ritva. When you reply to her post with your abstracts, please remember to link to Ritva’s post and use the Lens-Artists tag.

We did some rock climbing, walking and just admiring last week in response to Donna’s challenge. I enjoyed your responses. Next week Egidio is challenging us, so be sure to look for his post.

Until then stay safe!