For me, black and white images convey emotions because they accent texture and light. But not every images can be converted to black and white. So, when I had processed a sunset in color, I thought about converting it to monochrome. I had never taken a beautiful deep colored image and converted it. I always looked for the deep contrasts and textures. This image had those, but I’d lose the beautiful oranges and the sun’s rays. I tried it anyway. This sunset was taken at Gibson Ranch in Sacramento County.

Now for the emotions. A sunset always evokes emotion. Its beauty is calming, put a dad and his son fishing in the image–well, that’s love.

This post is for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness prompted this week by MRS. CLAIRE GUTKNECHT. Visit both sites for beautiful monochrome images.

17 thoughts on “Monochrome Madness #7: Emotions

  1. Anne, what a gorgeous monochrome! Thanks for the text you added to it with your reasons for doing the monochrome. That is always nice to get in the photographer’s head and read her viewpoint. I love the reflections and textures in your photo.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You caught the emotion and the beauty of the sunset. Even more, the shapes, shadows and reflections are all evocative of the evening, and there is a calmness, too. Job well done and beautifully, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Terri! Somehow when the picture is made small for WP, the people are also made small! I’m following Cee’s suggestion of sizing my picts at 700 x 700. Now I’m not running out of space!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I like to think of monochrome as a different way to seeing things. It does not take anything away from a color image, when the composition is strong, it actually reveals something you cannot clearly see due to the distraction of color.

    Liked by 2 people

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