One morning, I was feeling the need to take my camera for a walk; maybe a macro walk. So I put on my macro lens and went over to my local Green Acres in Citrus Heights. I like walking through their garden and they don’t mind me taking pictures.

Here’s some of what I captured that morning.

With my macro need taken care of, I felt much better and the day seemed brighter.

23 thoughts on “A little macro therapy: Green Acres Nursery

  1. I love your photos – using a macro lens on a good camera that gives you the ability to change your focus has such different results than just switching on the macro on a point and shoot and hoping it will focus. Your feature image of the orange flower is an especially wonderful example…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Anne
    Beautifully photographed flowers. They look so immaculate, much better than the flowers in our garden.
    Thanks for showing us your pictures,
    We wish you an easy week
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


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